
Kotor 2 bao dur influence
Kotor 2 bao dur influence

kotor 2 bao dur influence

Avellone has said he has been surprised by the positive feedback of some of the characters. According to Avellone, while "there was some stuff we wanted to add", overall they "got almost everything we wanted in there".

kotor 2 bao dur influence

Avellone stated that in some cases, the characters turned out "better than we thought they would be".

  • 3.2 Knights of the Old Republic charactersĬhris Avellone, the lead designer of The Sith Lords, has said that "a core part of what made KOTOR I so great was the story and your companions, and that was our intention in the sequel as well", and has also said that he thought that the characters and voice-acting were some of the key strengths of The Sith Lords, and said that they got a lot of help and support from LucasArts in the voice-acting and sound department.
  • kotor 2 bao dur influence

    The characters have overall been well-received, with the first Knights of the Old Republic winning the Academy of Interactive Art's "Outstanding Achievement in Character and Story Development", and both Kreia and HK-47 receiving other awards.

    kotor 2 bao dur influence

    The second game's playable characters also include Atton Rand, Bao-Dur, Mical, Mira, Hanharr, Brianna, Kreia, Visas Marr and G0-T0. HK-47, Canderous Ordo and T3-M4 appear in both of the video games as playable character, while the first game's playable characters also includes Carth Onasi, Mission Vao, Zaalbar, Bastila Shan, Juhani and Jolee Bindo. The player can control three characters at one time in both games. In both games, the main character can either be a human male or a human female, with other characters joining the player's party and becoming controllable. The main and player character of the first game is Revan, and the main and player character of the second game is the Jedi Exile. The series also encompasses a 2006 comic book series, and a massively multiplayer online role-playing game called Star Wars: The Old Republic. The Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic series consists of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II – The Sith Lords, with the first game being released in 2003 and set 4,000 years before the Star Wars films. On the far left is Visas Marr and on the far right is Brianna the Handmaiden. An illustration of some of the major characters in the second Knights of the Old Republic, featuring light and dark side versions of a male Jedi Exile and his companions Bao-Dur, Atton Rand, and Mical the Disciple.

    Kotor 2 bao dur influence